GREATGOLD – We recently received notification that some people trying to hear the Internet Radio stream at the website when visiting the site from computers using the Chrome browser, may not be able to do so. It seems from time to time, the Chrome browser people tend to change the inner coding of the browser, which at times creates difficulties in listeners trying to hear their favorite streaming radio stations. This seems to be one of those times, but there are other browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, that are capable of bringing in just fine.
We have found the Edge browser to be far superior to the older Microsoft browsers from years ago. Edge is much faster than the Microsoft browser used to be, likely due to the competition for speed that the Chrome browser brought about after Chrome’s initial introduction into the browser market. We have been using Edge almost exclusively since several months ago when a trial run of the new Edge resulted in our finding that Edge is just as good as Chrome these days, plus, all streaming radio stations that don’t work in the current version of Chrome DO work in the Edge browser.
We have noticed there are difficulties hearing GreatGold on some computers using Chrome browsers when visiting other internet radio directories online, such as, and others, as well. Those feeds DO work perfectly fine when visiting those websites using the Edge browser, instead.
The problem seems to NOT be an issue when trying to hear music played on Internet Radio using the official TuneIn App, OnlineRadioBox App, or NoBex App in Mobile Phones and other devices. Our research indicates, at this writing, it’s only a problem if you go to the website and try to listen using a Chrome browser, and usually is not a problem if you listen using the applicable App.
Remember, when going to the internet station directories, such as the one at the website, to find the GreatGold stream, you may have to either search for “greatgold” or “”, depending on how their inner search mechanism is programmed. So if our station does not come up with “greatgold”, try again with “”. The same is true when trying to find our station in an App. After you find us, we suggest you Favorite GreatGold to return easily to hear and enjoy the GreatGold Mix of Classic Rock, Pop Oldies, plus Newbees and Wannabees.
HOWEVER, our experience shows that, at this writing, it doesn’t matter which browser you use, Edge or Chrome, when visiting our home website at to listen in our player on the website. Our website player at, as well as the players at the RadioGude, and the NetRadio player and WinAmp links work whether you use the Edge or Chrome browser in your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
GREATGOLD is, and, and, and No matter which you choose, you'll always get GreatGold. We play Classic Hits from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and the best of the 2000s, 2010s, and beyond. Sometimes you'll hear a song in the Rock category, or Pop, Blues, Motown, Disco, Soul, Country Crossover, Soft Rock, male and female singers, boy bands, girl bands, and once in awhile you may hear an outstanding independent or new artist with a Classic Hits Wannabee.
The GreatGold Classic Hits Mix consists of, generally, Top 40 hits from the past, and, occasionally, songs that should have been. We play the Best of More Than 60+ years of The Greatest Music from Life's Soundtrack. The finest of the last half of the 20th Century, mixed in with gems from the 21st Century. No matter which Genre the Songs first fell into, or, which type of radio station first played them, it's a tune we call GREATGOLD, and, part of the History of Rock and Roll.
THE GREATGOLD STREAM is the place to be for 24 hours of blissful listening everyday. We have a healthy serving of delicious songs from the Soundtrack of Your Life. Only the finest survive the wars of GreatGold Hits, and We Always Play The Greats at Internet Radio.