Category Archives: The Latest

THE LATEST GREATGOLD NEWS features news and information about the GreatGold website, GreatGold Internet Radio, and news about singers, songwriters, musicians, and others involved in the performance, production and/or presentation of music to listen to and enjoy.

Cheap Trick, Chicago, Deep Purple, Miller, NWA Win!

GREATGOLD.FM (12/16/2015) – The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio, USA,has announced the great Cheap Trick, Chicago, Deep Purple, Steve Miller and NWA, will be inducted into the RockHall at a ceremony in the Spring of 2016. the giant music acts were the top 5 vote getters in tabulations of ballots by voting members and fans, combined. Fan votes were open until December 8, 2015. The winners were announced December 16, 2015.

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